Od Talianska idem v jednom kole aka deti, práca, deti, práca a víkend. Ťažko uveriť, že takto pred mesiacom sme leteli do Milána a dnešným dňom sa drkocem zimou. Fakt si želám aspoň apríl/máj <3 Nebudem sa zaoberať témou ako rýchlo beží čas. Ide to mega rýchlo. S rodinou som sa dohodla, že ostanem do konca júla. Takže mám pred sebou necelý 5 mesiacov. Takže mám dosť času na Hallstatt, predstavenie v opere a obed/večeru v Deewan! L. sa zachvíľku odoberie smer Londýn a ja mám dôvod sa tam ukázať ^^
Everything is the same since Italy trip a.k.a. kids, work, kids, work and weekend. It is hard to believe that it has been already a month when we boarded a plane to Milan and right now I am just being cold. I wish it is already April/May <3 It is crazy how fast the time flies! I talked to my HM and told her that I decided to stay until end of July. That is still enough time to visit Hallstatt, performance at the opera house and lunch/dinner at Deewan. L. is leaving to London very soon and I have finally reason to show up!

Everything is the same since Italy trip a.k.a. kids, work, kids, work and weekend. It is hard to believe that it has been already a month when we boarded a plane to Milan and right now I am just being cold. I wish it is already April/May <3 It is crazy how fast the time flies! I talked to my HM and told her that I decided to stay until end of July. That is still enough time to visit Hallstatt, performance at the opera house and lunch/dinner at Deewan. L. is leaving to London very soon and I have finally reason to show up!
Ako tu teraz sedím a píšem, medzitým kašlem a snažím sa dýchať. Február bol celkom divoký, ale pekný! Spoznala som dve nové aupair z Namíbie a Indonézie. Stavila som sa v kaviarni Sacher na Sacher tortu a melagne kávu. Takže zo zoznamu "musím vidieť/skúsiť" to môžem vyškrnúť. Pripraviť sa treba na čakanie v rade, ale servis majú TOP. Okrem iného sa musím dopoistiť. Najlacnejšie poistenie som našla za 21€ na mesiac, čo mi nepríde až také zlé, vzhľadom nato, že za minulý rok som zaplatila skoro 400€. Takže jeden víkend zas obetujem, aby som si vyrovnala balanc na účte vďaka poisteniu. Vďaka bohu, že ap tu nemusia platiť dane <3
As I sit here and keep writing, I am coughing and trying to breathe. February was wild, but so nice! I met two new aupairs. One is from Namibia and second one from Indonesia. I stopped by at the Sacher for the cake and coffee, so I can tick it off - FINALLY! Get ready to stand in the queue for a while, but it is so worth it (perfect staf!). Other than that, I have to extend my insurance. I found an insurance like 21€ per month, which is pretty good compared to my old insurance. For last year I paid almost 400€! So I am going to stay home for one weekend to keep my account balance in nice numbers.. Thanks God, that aupairs do not have to pay taxes here lol

Ako ďalší bonus sa snažím pobaliť zimné veci. Keď si spomeniem, že som si tu kúpila extra tri páry topánok a bundu, už teraz nadávam. Dala som do kufra najteplejšie veci a už teraz je plný. Čo značí potrebnú cestu na Slovensko. PLánujem na Veľkú noc, keďže decká majú prázdniny, tak sa mi hádam zadarí sa z toho vyvliecť ^^ Plánov je nespočetne a čas beží. Tak poďme na vec !! (:
PS Decká poslúchajú, chodíme zo škôlky, do družiny, na krúžky, hore dole a zatiaľ najviac chill. Užívam si posledné chvíľky a ťažím tak veľa ako sa dá ! (: Táto rodina bola/aj je do tretica tá naj !
As a bonus I am trying to pack my winter clothes. I do not want to think about the fact I have bought three new pairs of shoes since I am here including a jacket. And now I am just swearing. My suitcase is full of jackets and warm clothes and it is already full!! It is clear, that I have to go home really soon! I am planning to go back to Slovakia for Easter, so hopefully I can make up some plans for that time.
P.S. kids are pretty much obeying. We have pretty much routine - KiGa, school or afternoon activities. I am enjoying my last "moments" here and getting as much as I can. This third family is a charm. Literally!