12 hodín v autobuse do Varšavy. A potom naspäť. Za jeden víkend.
Okolo ôsmej večer som sa zbalila resp obliekla bundu a vyrazila na vlak smer Viedeň hlavná stanica. Kde ma čakala Lenie a spoločne sme vyrazili do Sparu na nákupy. Hostiteľke z Varšavy sme vybrali Mozartkugeln a následne sme išli odhodlane na autobusovú stanicu. (Že sme boli v Mekáči na zmrzku riešiť nemusíme.) Stanica, ktorú som/sme považovala za tú stanicu, kde sme mali byť, sa stala stanicou na ktorej sme nemali byť. Dali sme zo dve koliečka a našli mapu. Jáj! To oni majú ešte špeciálnu zastávku pre diaľkové autobusy.
Around 8PM I packed my stuff - got dressed and hit the road to get the train to Vienna Main train station. Lenie was waiting there for me and then we went to Spar for shopping ^^ We picked Mozartkugeln for our host in Warsaw and then we went to the bus station (we took a break at McDonald's but hey!) First we found a bus station - wrong one. We did two circles around and found it! yay! There was a special bus station for coach buses.
O pol dvanástej v NOCI sme vyštartovali. Ťažko povedať, že koľko sme spali. Cca o pol 12 naobed sme sa vylodili Víta nás Varšava Mlociny. Nastáva problém, že aký lístok pre dve slečny kúpiť. Víkendový lístok pre dve nás stál necelých 10 eur do oboch zón v rámci Varšavy (vo Viedni ma vyšiel lístok na metro v rámci Viedne 7,60€ na osobu). Našli sme metro! Super!
At 11:30 PM we hit the road. Difficult to say how much we did sleep. Around 11:30 am next day we arrived to Warsaw Mlociny. First problem ahead of us. What ticket should we buy ??? Weekend ticket for two costs like 10€ for both zones within the city (for example the ticket in Vienna is like 7.60€ for one day and for one person). We found subway! Awesome!
Nastáva kríza, nemáme poľské peniaze (banka mi strhla 20 centov poplatok za platbu v inej mene) a ako na potvoru, nevieme žiadnu nájsť. O 20 minút neskôr zajedáme objav zmenárne veľkým Subwayom a mierime na autobusovú zastávku, kde zistíme ako sa dostaneme k hostiteľke. Nestopovala som to, ale tá MHD isto meškala a aby nebolo málo, tak nás "vymákol" inšpektor dopravných lístkov. Následne sa niečo poľsky opýtal, ja som mu slovensky odpovedala a on so zmäteným výrazom odišiel - ako aj sprievodca vo vlaku :D
crisis, there you come! We don't have the right kind of money :D and we are not able to find any money exchange office! In 20 minutes full of desperate thoughts we found one behind THAT subway (: After small drama we are looking for a bus to get to our host. I would say that the bus was late and we got checked if we have actually tickets. Then he asked something in polish, I answered in slovak and drama was over. He was gone :D
Po nekonečnej polhodine vysadáme. Chodíme. Hľadáme. Našli sme! Vytáčam telefón. Našli sme sa! Vybalíme batohy, nabalíme kabelky, dáždnik neberiem - o siedmej večer začalo pršať - hodinu sme sedeli pri sushi. Ustáva dážď, hľadáme sa, nálada sa poberá do teplých krajín, prichádza únava, našla som wifi a našli sme sa. Dávame poľské pivo. Klebetíme. Preskakujem v troch jazykoch. Odchádzame na vlak.Cesta trvá cca 20 minút narozdiel od MHD.
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After long 30 minutes long ride we got of the bus. We walked, we searched. We found it/her! I dialed the number. Success!! Backpacks staying home - umbrella included. At 7pm it started to rain. That was ideal to sit and eat some sushi. Rain was stopping, we were looking for a friend and the mood was getting worse. We were getting tired. Then we found Wi-fi and after all we found each other. About to drink polish beer. We gossiped in three languages. About to leave (dead tired).
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O polnoci sme padli za vlasť. Ráno dzobnem do poľskej dobroty, dávame kávu, čaj, sprchu, balíme a pýtame posledné rady. Chytáme vlak, neúspešne hľadáme bankomat, potraviny a ešte čosi. Prvú walking tour sme nestihli. Tak sa upokojujeme a ideme na tú o jedenástej. Končí sa to vodkou a chlebom s oškvarkovou nátierkou. Ideme na kávu do Costy, čo je kaviareň na každom jednom rohu v centre mesta. Fotíme posledné fotky. Riešime potraviny do autobusu. Riešime obed. Zas chodíme. Štyri preč. Rýchlo chôdza smer metro. Vysadáme. Všetko dopadá na jednotku a autobus do Viedne prichádza o štvrtej ráno. Super!
- - -
We fell asleep around midnight. In the morning I was already trying the polish sweets. Meanwhile we got some coffee, tea, shower, pack out last stuff and got last tips what to see. We did catch the train, looking for the ATM - no luck there. and grocery store as well. Because of this we missed the first walking tour! About to hit the second one at eleven. We went to Costa for a coffee. Looks like it is very popular here! We took last pictures, did deal with grocery store and got some lunch. We walked again for a while. Around 4pm we went to subway station to get to the bus station. Everything went well and we are on the way to Vienna. The bus arrives around 4am next day (:
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Pozerám, že som opísala tento napínavý víkend, tak napínavo, až som zabudla spomenúť, že čo sme vlastne všetko videli a navštívili. Takže časť nové (menej turistické) a staré (viac turistické) mesto, neskôr sme tuším obchádzali múzeum varšavského povstania alebo minimálne múzeum poľskej histórie alebo Pomník varšavského povstania, krakovské námestie, plac zámkowý - čo je námestie, Palac kultury i nauky - čo je moja obľúbená budova vo Varšave, terasu s výhľadom na krakovské námestie- kde sme videli žiadosť o ruku!!, fontánu v multimediálnom parku, k fortu legionow sme sa nedostali, páč to bolo oplotené a teda po tme v parku sa mi prechádzať nechcelo, Barbakan či za svetla či za tmy - vždy kúzelný!, obchádzali sme hrobku neznámeho vojaka pri nádhernom parku s nádhernou fontánou, neskôr sme videli budovu národnej opery, ktorá mi až tak pekná nepripadala.., ďalej sme videli prezidentský palác či kráľovský zámok s krásnou záhradou. Okrem pamiatok treba prejsť ulicu Nowy Swiat, vidieť jednu palmu či navštíviť park Łazienki, čo sme my už nestihli.
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I see I described this journey as hell out of journey :D I forgot to mention what we actually visited and saw. The new part of town is less touristy - the old part of town is more touristy. We passed around Museum of Polish uprising - not sure here. Or maybe it was Museum of polish history. Next: Memorial of Warsaw uprising, Krakow square, plac zámkowy - which is square; Palac kultury i nauky - my fav building in the city, terrace with the view over Krakow square - we were witnesses of proposal!!, cool fountain in some cool park - definitely worth of visit in the dark! We were not able to visit Fortu legionow, 'cause it was dark outside and fence all over the place! Barbakan is awesome 24/7 in the dark/during the day! We passed the tumb of unknown soldier - the park was beautiful, the fountain was beautiful and then we saw National opera house - not that nice, honestly.. next we saw presidential palace or castle presidential palace with beautiful garden. Besides these monuments you should visit Nowy Sviat street, see the one palm tree or visit the Łazienki park.. (:
Around 8PM I packed my stuff - got dressed and hit the road to get the train to Vienna Main train station. Lenie was waiting there for me and then we went to Spar for shopping ^^ We picked Mozartkugeln for our host in Warsaw and then we went to the bus station (we took a break at McDonald's but hey!) First we found a bus station - wrong one. We did two circles around and found it! yay! There was a special bus station for coach buses.
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Palac kultury i nauky |
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Palac kultury i nauky |
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v okolí Barbakanu |
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jedno balenie som si kúpila aj domov, dlho nevydržalo - mňam! - got one package for back home but did not last for long haha |
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At 11:30 PM we hit the road. Difficult to say how much we did sleep. Around 11:30 am next day we arrived to Warsaw Mlociny. First problem ahead of us. What ticket should we buy ??? Weekend ticket for two costs like 10€ for both zones within the city (for example the ticket in Vienna is like 7.60€ for one day and for one person). We found subway! Awesome!
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vyhliadka z terasy, zima, dážď, ale šťastná! - view from the terrace, it's cold out here but I am so happy! |
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Barbakan |
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že vraj toto je nejaký fancy kostol, že majú svadby poľské celebrity :D - church where celebrities get married! |
Nastáva kríza, nemáme poľské peniaze (banka mi strhla 20 centov poplatok za platbu v inej mene) a ako na potvoru, nevieme žiadnu nájsť. O 20 minút neskôr zajedáme objav zmenárne veľkým Subwayom a mierime na autobusovú zastávku, kde zistíme ako sa dostaneme k hostiteľke. Nestopovala som to, ale tá MHD isto meškala a aby nebolo málo, tak nás "vymákol" inšpektor dopravných lístkov. Následne sa niečo poľsky opýtal, ja som mu slovensky odpovedala a on so zmäteným výrazom odišiel - ako aj sprievodca vo vlaku :D
crisis, there you come! We don't have the right kind of money :D and we are not able to find any money exchange office! In 20 minutes full of desperate thoughts we found one behind THAT subway (: After small drama we are looking for a bus to get to our host. I would say that the bus was late and we got checked if we have actually tickets. Then he asked something in polish, I answered in slovak and drama was over. He was gone :D
Po nekonečnej polhodine vysadáme. Chodíme. Hľadáme. Našli sme! Vytáčam telefón. Našli sme sa! Vybalíme batohy, nabalíme kabelky, dáždnik neberiem - o siedmej večer začalo pršať - hodinu sme sedeli pri sushi. Ustáva dážď, hľadáme sa, nálada sa poberá do teplých krajín, prichádza únava, našla som wifi a našli sme sa. Dávame poľské pivo. Klebetíme. Preskakujem v troch jazykoch. Odchádzame na vlak.Cesta trvá cca 20 minút narozdiel od MHD.
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After long 30 minutes long ride we got of the bus. We walked, we searched. We found it/her! I dialed the number. Success!! Backpacks staying home - umbrella included. At 7pm it started to rain. That was ideal to sit and eat some sushi. Rain was stopping, we were looking for a friend and the mood was getting worse. We were getting tired. Then we found Wi-fi and after all we found each other. About to drink polish beer. We gossiped in three languages. About to leave (dead tired).
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O polnoci sme padli za vlasť. Ráno dzobnem do poľskej dobroty, dávame kávu, čaj, sprchu, balíme a pýtame posledné rady. Chytáme vlak, neúspešne hľadáme bankomat, potraviny a ešte čosi. Prvú walking tour sme nestihli. Tak sa upokojujeme a ideme na tú o jedenástej. Končí sa to vodkou a chlebom s oškvarkovou nátierkou. Ideme na kávu do Costy, čo je kaviareň na každom jednom rohu v centre mesta. Fotíme posledné fotky. Riešime potraviny do autobusu. Riešime obed. Zas chodíme. Štyri preč. Rýchlo chôdza smer metro. Vysadáme. Všetko dopadá na jednotku a autobus do Viedne prichádza o štvrtej ráno. Super!
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We fell asleep around midnight. In the morning I was already trying the polish sweets. Meanwhile we got some coffee, tea, shower, pack out last stuff and got last tips what to see. We did catch the train, looking for the ATM - no luck there. and grocery store as well. Because of this we missed the first walking tour! About to hit the second one at eleven. We went to Costa for a coffee. Looks like it is very popular here! We took last pictures, did deal with grocery store and got some lunch. We walked again for a while. Around 4pm we went to subway station to get to the bus station. Everything went well and we are on the way to Vienna. The bus arrives around 4am next day (:
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Pozerám, že som opísala tento napínavý víkend, tak napínavo, až som zabudla spomenúť, že čo sme vlastne všetko videli a navštívili. Takže časť nové (menej turistické) a staré (viac turistické) mesto, neskôr sme tuším obchádzali múzeum varšavského povstania alebo minimálne múzeum poľskej histórie alebo Pomník varšavského povstania, krakovské námestie, plac zámkowý - čo je námestie, Palac kultury i nauky - čo je moja obľúbená budova vo Varšave, terasu s výhľadom na krakovské námestie- kde sme videli žiadosť o ruku!!, fontánu v multimediálnom parku, k fortu legionow sme sa nedostali, páč to bolo oplotené a teda po tme v parku sa mi prechádzať nechcelo, Barbakan či za svetla či za tmy - vždy kúzelný!, obchádzali sme hrobku neznámeho vojaka pri nádhernom parku s nádhernou fontánou, neskôr sme videli budovu národnej opery, ktorá mi až tak pekná nepripadala.., ďalej sme videli prezidentský palác či kráľovský zámok s krásnou záhradou. Okrem pamiatok treba prejsť ulicu Nowy Swiat, vidieť jednu palmu či navštíviť park Łazienki, čo sme my už nestihli.
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I see I described this journey as hell out of journey :D I forgot to mention what we actually visited and saw. The new part of town is less touristy - the old part of town is more touristy. We passed around Museum of Polish uprising - not sure here. Or maybe it was Museum of polish history. Next: Memorial of Warsaw uprising, Krakow square, plac zámkowy - which is square; Palac kultury i nauky - my fav building in the city, terrace with the view over Krakow square - we were witnesses of proposal!!, cool fountain in some cool park - definitely worth of visit in the dark! We were not able to visit Fortu legionow, 'cause it was dark outside and fence all over the place! Barbakan is awesome 24/7 in the dark/during the day! We passed the tumb of unknown soldier - the park was beautiful, the fountain was beautiful and then we saw National opera house - not that nice, honestly.. next we saw presidential palace or castle presidential palace with beautiful garden. Besides these monuments you should visit Nowy Sviat street, see the one palm tree or visit the Łazienki park.. (: